Part 23: Update XXI - Goondalf the G(len-Warden)
Part XXI - Goondalf the G(len-Warden)We're just about done with side stuff in the forest! First we have that tower in the middle of the lake to investigate.

On the other side of the cave where we met Dale.

It's defended by Giant Spiders, so it must have good stuff inside!

We've seen this tapestry before in Avalon. Did the artists just not have any other assets to use, or does it mean something else?

Okay, some doors.

Empty. There's a hallway over there though!

Wait what.

This tower is attempting to bamboozle us!

Not this time, formless enchantment. Goondalf is far too wise to fall for such paltry stage magic.

It only took him two attempts to realize that the door above teleports him back to the beginning, after all.

Likewise with the door to the right. You'll have to do better than that, tower!

Oh shit, when I said better, I didn't mean an obelisk shooting fireballs at us!

Ow. Despite it's high rate of fire, it's one vs. three, so a spell and/or arrow or two makes it go silent again, and we can claim our prize!

It's not particularly amazing, aside from how it looks. It will definitely be in a future Fashion Show.

Better luck next time, Bamboozle Tower.

On this part of the map, we can just barely glimpse that the cave system is technically part of the same map. I assume the tower is too, since it doesn't actually load a transition screen when we enter it. It's all connected, man!
Let's go back to the outpost to celebrate our glorious victory over bamboozlement!

Not with elves though.

Since we're in the neighborhood and the sidequests are about wrapped up, we might as well roll the main quest along a little too.

Byron: Well, it's 'bout time!

Byron: Oh, it's half m'job y think ye've done, now, is it? Do y' know how many lonely nights I get t' spend on th' road, with one ear to th' ground and one eye open, layin' false trails and avoidin' Ahoul? Half m'job, indeed!

Byron: Nooo, I think I'm pretty sneaky. Ye're the tough, that's why 'Olden 'ad y' clear m' way.

Byron: Ye're right 'bout that, man. Sorry t' be so abrupt, but I gotta make tracks. Fake ones. HA! HA!


Then he disappears behind some trees. Mission... accomplished?

Uh... something like that.


Now we can check out Forest 8 again. But first, a brief detour to Forest 9.

Sparkles no!!

We can cast Heal on Mikki, and good thing too, because she can absolutely die if we take too long to kill the Sha'ahoul. Or if we misfire with our Fireballs... Again, not that I have ever done something like that.

But as long as we don't fuck up, it's a fairly easy encounter.

Yay. Now let's see who these interlopers are up north.

Regular horses with no horns just aren't the same anymore.

Baron Hartley: Indeed? And what, pray thee tell, is this news?

Baron Hartley: The messenger is headed where? He could use the protection of an armed escort, certainly!

Baron Hartley: It is but a simple request, and it shall only take as much time out of thy day as thou will it to. I am looking for King Tortain's signet ring; indeed, King Vortigerm himself hath sent me with this secondary quest. If thou find'st the time to retrieve it, and the fallen king's armor, I would appreciate it, indeed.

Baron Hartley: Splendid! Now I can finally indulge in a full night's sleep, and perhaps a decent meal! I thank thee for thy assistance, lad. You've taken a weight off my shoulders.
Again, no mention of giving the armor back. Nice.

Now, who are the rest of these assholes?

Morton: We've been scouring the hills ahead of our King's forces. That's a lot of ground to cover. Yes, it's exhausting work, but that's a soldier's life!

Morton: Definitely. A full meal, a healthy body, a sense of purpose... There's no better life than the military!

Rayburn: He most certainly does, and let me tell you something. It's difficult to keep it from wriggling its way into your speech. After a while, it's like he's trying to hypnotize you. Wait, maybe that's why those nobles speak that way... because they ARE trying to hypnotize us!!
Holy shit, it all makes sense now.

Rayburn: No, I don't guess that I would. You have a good point. It's just annoying, you know?

Rayburn: Here's some salt, why don't you make another wound to rub that into...

I guess this assumes you tried to talk to him first.
Newman: Oh, I'll speak now. I was merely holding my peace because of the baron, over there. As the man in charge, and a particularly snobby member of Taberlander nobility to boot, he expects to be approached. It must be some sort of validation with him. He never approaches anyone, he just expects them to notice his high birth and want to speak to him.

Newman: I'd have heard about it later... And I'd rather not. he just has to be the emissary. You have no idea... we're so glad, the three of us... Well, maybe not Morton, over there... but me and Rayburn were going nuts! At last, a brew, a cot, and some clean clothes... Say, where does one go for drink around here, anyway?

Newman: Ah. And where may one go to find these "right people," eh?

Newman: Ah. Well, all the same, I appreciate it.

Ah, lots to tell Holden. And the elves!

But first, elves.


The main reward for saving Mikki is that Kalevi becomes a recruitable party member (officially, that is; there's a bug that makes him join automatically every time you talk to him, but I do things legit in this LP! Mostly).

He is basically Wyatt but with higher base stats. One problem though...

None of his equipment can be removed, and he won't accept any equipment for his empty slots either. Not this awesome Lighting Quiver I just picked up, or any accessories.

Fuckin elves, man. We're sticking with Wyatt, at least for now.
The invasion of the Sha'ahoul hasn't only had an effect on the military and peasantry... it has also had an effect on high fashion!

Despite their brutality, the invaders have an undeniable sense of style, particularly amongst the upper-caste Sha'men. Here Avalon's very own Wyatt works an ensemble inspired by one of these deadly mages!

With an Open Red Cloak, a Black Studded Leather Vest, White Pants, and Black Leather Boots, Wyatt exudes an undeniable aura of power and danger!
You know, it is kind of dark in here though. We should find a runway somewhere.

Ah, the bridge just outside the gates will do nicely. Now as I was saying, you--wait, what's that growling sound?

Oh fuck

Whew. Thanks, Goondalf the G! Avalon would be lost without you and your ineffable sense of style.